Economic Models for International Peace & Climate Safety (Past)
Clarify Transnational Problems Preventing World Progress & What to Do
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Dear Friend of Earth & Humanity,
- Global wars and conflict are proliferating along with systems for mass destruction and autonomous killing machines run by artificial intelligence.
- Global wars have destroyed climate safety progress and are absorbing the resources need for the transition to a sustainable planet.
- Fossil fuel production is increasing, leading to +2oC by 2050, and +4oC by 2100 – an uninhabitable world.
- You are cordially invited to a Zoom meeting to explore Economic Models for International Peace & Climate Safety.
- Please share this invitation with members of Rotary, the United Nations Association, other NGOs, United Nations personnel, and all working for a better world for all life on Earth.
- Share this invitation with colleagues.
- Join us on January 22.
- You can see the document we will use here.
- Register here for free.
Sanford Hinden
Dix Hills, New York, United States of America
I provide programs for: • Education for wisdom and wellbeing • Peace and the environment • Personal, relationship and social-global development
Christophe Claude
Born at 320ppm climate worried physicist turned product manager
Jamie Trevino
Lancaster, Pennslyvania, USA
harshit munjal
I am 22 year old business student ready to enter the business world in the near future. I am very interested in finding practical ways to make business regenerative and distributive.
Ellen Williams
Isle of Wight
I'm an ecologist working in the construction industry, with increasing interest in circular economy work and sustainable finance to address the drivers of climate change and biodiversity loss. Whilst these both offer hope, Doughnut Economic thinking has really grabbed my attention because it captures the holistic approach needed for truly sustainable living, and thus I wish to promote it within my lines of work.
Ronan Taylor
Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States of America
My name is Ronan Taylor. I have a background in paleoecology and herpetology. I have worked for organizations such as the Smithsonian and National Geographic and have conducted research on four different continents. I am currently trying to develop optimized modular systems of environmental restoration that utilize new technologies. I strongly believe that combating climate change is the challenge of our time and environmental restoration is a key component of this fight.
Alona Teleguz
Munich, Germany
In the process of obtaining my Master's Degree in Sustainable Resource Management at the Technical University of Munich. Currently working on my master's thesis by developing a city portraits methodology for the city of Munich combining it with the NEXUS approach making Munich more sustainable and circular.
Chris Ayyildiz
Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Hello! My name's Chris and I'm studying Economics & Psychology at the University of Aberdeen.
Caroline Whyte
Cluny, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
I'm an ecological economist, focusing on researching and advocating system change. My work areas include measurements of wellbeing and progress, financial flows, universal basic income and services, resource use capping including fossil fuel phase-out, and commons-based taxation. I work for Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, which is based in Ireland but has international membership.