Doughnut Plus Chats (Past)
An in-person discussion group about Doughnut Economics and similar work - accessible for all via books or Ted Talks etc
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
A discussion group about Doughnut Economics and other books about climate and economy e.g. Jason Hickle, Naomi Klein...
This group will be help about once a month at 3pm on a Saturday; it'll be for about 90mins-2hrs depending on the conversation. We're going to try the Teachers Club on Parnell Square for our first meeting.
Anyone is welcome to come as regularly or irregularly as suits them. It is an inclusive group aiming to welcome different backgrounds and perspectives. Ideally people have read Doughnut Economics AND/OR watched the Ted Talks AND/OR reviewed the DEAL website AND/OR read the chapter summaries here This way, even if someone just has 15mins to watch the Ted, we'll have have a good jumping off place.
Dee Murphy
Dublin, Ireland
Trained in Economics and Maths, I went to uni to make the world a better place. Totally disillusioned by economics theory and teaching, I meandered off and worked for a number of years in training, facilitating and co-ordinating before doing an MBA and switching to business strategy for both MNCs and startups. Over the last couple of years, I've been reading more and more about the climate and its intersection with capitalism and was thrilled to discover Doughnut Economics last year. My hope now is to marry my economics knowledge with my strategy experience in a way that is meaningful for the planet.
Moze Jacobs
Rossbrin, West Cork, Munster, Ireland
One of the co-founders (with Alice Glendinning) and active members of the West Cork Doughnut Economy Network, writer/journalist/translator, originally from Amsterdam but now striving to doughnut-proof the future in West Cork