Doughnut Economics for Climate Risks and Shocks (Past)

A co-creative webinar to anticipate and address climate-related shocks through the tools of Doughnut Economics

This 2 hour webinar will explore how to turn some core concepts of Doughnut Economics into game-based learning tools for local and international communities of practitioners working on climate-related disasters. It will be co-hosted by Doughnut Economics Action Lab and the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and led by Kate Raworth and Pablo Suarez. Anyone who enjoys co-creating in groups is welcome to join - no prior expertise required. 

We will work with two of DEAL's concepts: the Doughnut ; and the Embedded Economy diagram, especially with its focus on four key modes of provisioning - through markets, households, the commons and the state. 

What happens to people in contexts of, say, a drought or flood? How do these shock affect families - what vulnerabilities does it expose them to, and how might they seek to cope? What compounding risks might they face, in the context of failed states and power inequalities? What measures could be taken to build resilience and protect human wellbeing by preventing such outcomes? With better awareness of these likely effects, what can humanitarian actors and others do to help protect people from the risk of these impacts? 

The Doughnut and The Embedded Economy

The Doughnut and The Embedded Economy

We have created the beginnings of an engaging, game-based approach to exploring these issues and we invite you to help us improve, adapt and expand this so that we can publish it as a co-created resource for all to use.  will be to explore ways of making these useful tools for practitioners working

The Embedded Economy in the context of shock and crisis

Join the webinar ready to work together online to come up with new ideas and approaches that could be brought into the tool. 

We look forward to working with you on this tool.




    Felipe Quintero about 2 years ago

    Hi all, I tried to get into the session as soon as possible, but it appeared blocked; maybe it was because I was 30 min late. Will this one be recorded?
    All the best!  

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    Deirdre Lane about 2 years ago

    My lecture schedule has change might this be recorded please? Sorry to miss this 

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    X Y about 2 years ago

    Hi folks! I have a mega-clash of excellent events today! Will this one be recorded please? Thanks!

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