Donut4Berlin Workshop #4 Planning a Doughnut Festival (Past)
Workshop to plan a Doughnut festival in Berlin in september

Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
The Donut4Berlin initiative is in the midst of planning a Doughnut festival in september with a number of diverse, decentral actions but also one big gathering at the Tempelhofer Feld (hopefully). we need more people to help organise. please join with your ideas, skills and energy.
Time: 22 april, 7 pm Berlin time, please write to nicole.hartmann@wechange.de for zoom-link.
Um dem “great mindshift” einen großen Schritt näher zu kommen, planen wir im September - kurz vor den Wahlen in Berlin und Bund - ein Doughnut Festival.
Es soll ein kollaboratives, vielfältiges, ermächtigendes Festival werden, das dezentrale Aktionen und Workshops in Kiezen, auf den Straßen oder in Zoom-Räumen in einem großen Fest auf dem Tempelhofer Feld (dream big!) kulminieren lässt.
Jetzt brauchen wir noch eure Unterstützung!
Am 22. April - 19.00-21.00 Uhr - sagen wir euch, wie.
Check-In und Kurzvorstellung der Initiative (20’)
Doughnut-Festival: Was haben wir vor (5’)
Crowdsourcing weiterer Ideen (15’)
Arbeit in Breakouts der Teams und weiteren Ideen (35’)
Zusammenfassung und weiteres Vorgehen (20’)
Der Donut4Berlin lebt von Kollaboration und gegenseitiger Inspiration und Verstärkung. Let’s roll it together!
Bitte meldet euch, wenn ihr die Einladung zum Zoom haben möchtet: nicole.hartmann@wechange.de
Nicole Hartmann
Berlin, Deutschland
I am a possibilist with wide open senses for connections and constellations. I have a huge curiosity to learn and I love to share and transmit my learnings. I am a sustainabilist who turned her long term private concern for sustaining global and local ecosystems and social justice into political climate activism in 2019. Convinced of the benefits of systems thinking I am enthusiastic about the Doughnut Economy as a role model and communication tool for the social-ecological transformation we need. I was lucky to meet a couple of likeminded Doughnauts to embark on the exciting journey to start the Donut Berlin Initiative. Let's did it, Berlin!
Isabell Lippert-Habermehl
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland
Freelance Sustainable Action Support and Part of Frankfurt Doughnut Coalition
Nicolas Rode
Berlin, Deutschland
Nicolas Rode holds a French-German diploma in European policy from the IEP Lille and the University of Münster. His research focused on the Europeanisation of trade unions and migrant workers. In order to add a broader international aspect to his research, he moved to Canada and joined the master program “Immigration and Settlement Studies” at the Ryerson University, Toronto. He wrote his M.A. thesis on international human mobility. Back in Europe in 2009, Nicolas worked as a consultant in European industrial relations for six years, focusing on restructuring processes and HR development. Since 2016, he has been working at the University of Potsdam as a transfer advisor. Currently he manages the Potsdam Transfer project Inno-UP, short for “Innovative University Potsdam”.