Delivering Wellbeing with Doughnut Economics for Wales (Past)

What is "Doughnut Economics" and how does it relate to Wales' Wellbeing of Future Generations Act?

"Delivering Wellbeing with Doughnut Economics - 21st century economics for Wales" 
 "Cyflawni Llesiant gydag Economeg Toesen – economeg yr 21ain ganrif ar gyfer Cymru"

You can watch a recording of this event here 

  • What is "doughnut economics" and how does it relate to Wales' Wellbeing of Future Generations Act?
  • Beth yw "economeg toesen" a sut y mae'n berthnasol i Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru?
  • How might local authorities and communities in Wales use "the doughnut" to guide decision making at a local level?
  • Ym mha ffordd y gallai awdurdodau lleol a chymunedau yng Nghymru ddefnyddio'r "doesen" i lywio'r broses o wneud penderfyniadau ar lefel leol?
  • What would you love to see happen, to create more regenerative and distributive local economies?
  • Beth y byddech chi wrth eich bodd yn ei weld yn digwydd i greu economïau lleol mwy adfywiol a dosbarthol?

All are welcome - come and join the conversation!  We're inviting civil servants, local leaders, decision-makers and changemakers, as well as all those with an interest in addressing poverty, inequality and climate change at a local level.  We would love to hear what you are already doing within your organisations, councils and communities, as well as sharing ideas and co-creating projects to deliver a wellbeing economy here in Wales.

Mae croeso i bawb – dewch i ymuno â'r sgwrs! Rydym yn gwahodd gweision sifil, arweinwyr lleol, penderfynwyr a newidwyr, yn ogystal â phawb sydd â diddordeb mewn mynd i'r afael â thlodi, anghydraddoldeb a newid yn yr hinsawdd ar lefel leol. Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed yr hyn yr ydych eisoes yn ei wneud o fewn eich sefydliadau, eich cynghorau a'ch cymunedau, yn ogystal â rhannu syniadau a chyd-greu prosiectau i gyflawni economi llesiant yma yng Nghymru.





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