Buy-In Bakery: Doughnut Economics Community of Practice - October Meeting (Past)

The Buy-In Bakery explores how to build internal buy-in for Doughnut Economics, sharing good practice & peer support.

Doughnut Economics is rapidly gaining momentum across the world, with governments, businesses, communities and more exploring how to apply the principles in practice. The work of the Doughnut Economics Action Lab has created a wealth of resources and support for operationalising the model, and encouraging practitioners to learn from each other.

A key barrier has been identified by many organisations hoping to bring Doughnut Economics into their work and mission – how to secure internal buy-in for the transformation required?

This Community of Practice is exploring this question, learning from those who have started the process, and sharing good practice and peer support.

October's session will be a deep-dive into local government buy-in, and we will hear from Alex Rainbow on Cornwall Council's Doughnut-inspired decision wheel.

Please contact Peter if you would like to join, or to receive more information:





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