Brussels Donut: what next? (Past)

After several months of research and co-construction, let's discuss the results of the Brussels Donut project!

After several months of collective work that brought together more than 200 people, it's time to take stock!

The Brussels Donut team is pleased to invite you to the online event "Brussels Donut: what next?

The concrete proposals for using the Donut will be presented and we'll imagine together how the Donut can help the Brussels Region to implement a socially just and environmentally sustainable transition.

15.00 - 16.30: The Brussels Donut project and its results (webinar in French and Dutch, with simultaneous translation into French, Dutch and English)
- The Donut principles, by Kate Raworth
- Presentation of the Brussels Donut project and its results
- Reflection lines for the Brussels Region by Barbara Trachte, Secretary of State for Economic Transition
- Questions and answers

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We look forward to seeing many of you!





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