Boro Doughnut Launch Event (Past)

Talks, workshops, music, dance and play to better explore our vision of a Thriving Middlesbrough

Launch Event Aim

To raise awareness of Boro Doughnut and its mission:
To contribute to a Thriving Middlesbrough through community action and collaboration using the Doughnut Economics model

Connect people together to take urgent action for a ‘Thriving Middlesbrough’ – To meet the needs of ALL people within the means of the living planet)

Specific Aims

To improve public perception of the urgent need for community action 

To increase optimism for spreading already successful solutions in Middlesbrough by taking actions together

To make progress in collecting qualitative data by giving voice to the public their opinion on the actual state is in relation to the goal of ‘Thriving Middlesbrough’ 


To use Talks to inspire solutions from the local community and beyond

To engage public with interactive workshop

To express Doughnut principles and core message using arts (Art, music, dance, play)

To collect qualitative data about the Middlesbrough’s current state 

To create opportunities for public& stake holders of ways to collaborate

To inform future events/activities

This is a physical event, held at MIMA (Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art), Centre Square, Middlesbrough, UK on Sunday 23rd October 2022 12:30-3:30 PM (UK time)

Intended audience is the general public as well as the local stakeholders (non-profit organisations, policy makers etc)
We want to use arts and play as a way of spreading the vision of the Doughnut: we want to motivate people that there are so many different ways to contribute towards 'Thriving Middlesbrough', using your passion and what you are good at.  We have a wonderful support from 

who would be presenting at the event to show that this movement is happening in other regions too, and we continue to network and strengthen collaboration.





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