Big Green Week - Write a letter to your future self (Past)
"Green Week" is sustainability, the interrelatedness of all sectors allows you to write about any issue important to you
Please Note: This event has now finished and can no longer be joined.
Whilst the focus of the "Green Week" is sustainability, the interrelatedness of all sectors allows you to write about any issue important to you!
Join us on June 7th to write letters, gain inspiration or have a chat about the future of the borough of Milton Keynes!
- What might sustainability look like in the borough of MK?
- What barriers are in the way of MK achieving this?
- What would you like to see more of to support sustainability in the borough of MK?
Georgina Hodgkinson
Milton Keynes, MK9 1LT, UK
I am a software engineer and consultant living in Milton Keynes with my husband and family. I am very concerned and sometimes find it overwhelming of where to start with the problems we are creating on the planet and the lack of equality and understanding of equity in the world. I am passionate about helping others learn technology skills. I am a professional and qualified ICT Trainer, Teacher, Coach, and Mentor. I am a member of the Milton Keynes Doughnut Economics Network where we are holding weekly dropin sessions to learn about doughnut economics together, learn about data skills, connect with the community to build a city portrait and network to solve planetary and society problems together. I believe we are living in a friendly universe.
Jane Whild
Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom
I am and ex University Administrator, now spending my time on activism in local communities in Milton Keynes to tackle the Climate Crisis, Misogyny and Gender Inequality. I am a core member of the MK Doughnut Economics Group which operates under the umbrella of Transition Town MK. Our group are part of a fledgling Milton Keynes Climate Action Network (MKCAN). I am a member of the Women's Equality Party (WEPUK) - the first political party to adopt Doughnut Economics as policy. I am also a member of FawcettMK, Citizens:mk and Cycling Citizens MK. I would like to see the Doughnut applied to my Borough and am a member of Milton Keynes DECA (Doughnut Economics Climate Action) Group.