Begin to engage businesses on Doughnut Design: practitioner discussion (PM) (Past)

A discussion among practitioners on how to begin engaging businesses with DEAL's Doughnut Design for Business tool.

DEAL's Doughnut Design for Business tools are being used to engage businesses in Doughnut Economics. In this webinar, practitioners (such as consultants) who are running workshops with business leaders and entrepreneurs, will discuss challenges and opportunities. Based on the demand from the previous practitioners webinar and a recent survey, this webinar will focus on how to begin engaging businesses with Doughnut Design for Business.

Note: On 1 June, this webinar is repeated as an early and later session to allow participation from different time zones. The two sessions are held at:
EARLY SESSION (click here): 10am UK / 11am CEST /  5am US EST / 2:30pm India
LATER SESSION (this event): 4pm UK / 5pm CEST / 11am US EST / 6:30pm India

Register here for the later session (you will receive zoom details after registration):


The Doughnut Design for Business taster tool (2 hour workshop) and core tool (5 hour workshop) are focused on applying the concepts of Doughnut Economics to businesses. Both tools focus on transforming the deep design of businesses - Purpose, Networks, Governance, Ownership, Finance (see this recent video introducing this concept) - to unlock the ideas that will help humanity into the Doughnut.

The webinar will be hosted by DEAL's Business & Enterprise lead Erinch Sahan, with input and discussion from a range of practitioners using these tools.

This webinar is for those interested in using DEAL's Doughnut Design for Business tools with businesses. This includes practitioners working with businesses in different ways, such as: consultants, business networks, start-up incubators, founders, intrapreneurs, trade unions, think-tanks, business schools, accelerator programmes, impact investors, community groups, NGOs... and anyone able to engage businesses in their deep design.

For background, you can also look at:

How to attend

Please register for the webinar via zoom here to receive the zoom details.

Long link to register via zoom here:





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