2040 - Join the Regeneration film and discussion (Past)

Join us for an amazing screening of the award-winning climate documentary 2040! A film that features Kate Raworth

After the success of our first event, we are so excited at Environmental Smart to be bringing you our second screening of 2040 with a follow up 'new normal' online social discussion.

Now, more than ever, we need positive voices in the ecological crisis. Join us to see director Damon Gameau's 'exercise in fact-based dreaming', 2040. Using only the solutions that are available to us today Damon envisions a positive future for our children and planet. The film features contributions from Kate Raworth on the Doughnut Economy. 

Please join us online straight after the screening film to reflect, discuss and examine 'green' energy ideas, protecting forests and take action to help bring change to your communities.

We are pleased to announce that we will be joined by Chris Redston, Executive Director of RAINFOREST TRUST UK to share their work across the world to protect our natural environment.

The film takes a solutions-based approach to how we can, using the technology we already have, mitigate the enormous global issues we currently face. The main themes/solutions looked at in the film are around: empowerment of women and girls; marine regeneration; regenerative agriculture; renewable energy; and circular economy. It's a story of hope, and a powerful tool to encourage people to take action.

This event is being run to coincide with the Ryedale Environment Group 'Environment Week'.

Thank you so much for supporting 2040. Make sure you head to Whatsyour2040.com to activate your plan and join the regeneration!

You will be sent a link to watch the film via email, which will include the Zoom link to the post-screening discussion

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In registering for a ticket you are agreeing to be contacted by the 2040 campaign and the screening's co-hosting organisation in order to receive your viewing link and about issues surrounding the screening.





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