Renegade Economists Miro World
An organic, playful home to an abundance of Doughnut resources, inspiration, and spaces for collaboration and reflection

A Renegade Economists Miro World is being designed and co-built by visual facilitator and host of the International Neighbourhoods Learning Journey Mona Ebdrup, and CIVIC SQUARE Dream Matter Designer Magda Petford. The Miro World is an organic, playful home to an abundance of resources, inspiration, and spaces for collaboration, reflection and cross-pollination between peer groups. Within it, hosting and facilitation support can be found; chapter resources for Doughnut Economics are currently loading, and it is a space to document processes, build collective intelligence over a longer period of time and open up for a space where asynchronous work and thinking can happen between meet-ups and showcases, but also across groups.
"The Miro World is a dreamscape - a space for imagination. It's a relief from the endless documents and linearity of online spaces, instead offering an interactive playground for collaborative working.
Miro also allows us for host resources in different mediums (video, images, articles, etc.) in a visual way that helps us navigate lots of information. In our learning journeys, we are working on complex matters, striving to find a balance between overwhelm and oversimplification, which we believe the Miro World can support to achieve.
It's an invitation to play; to dream, connect and reflect in a joyful setting."
—Mona Ebdrup
We can't wait to open up more and more of what is found to be useful or develops and gets better from here with the Renegade Economists Miro World into the commons, as the Miro World was shared with peers today for the first time, in follow up from the Kick Off. We've been so inspired by all of Mona and Suzy Glass' Miro magic, including the Civil Society Open Enquiries work, and are deeply grateful for Mona and Magda's design leadership in creating this multi-dimensional wonderland for us to exist within and tend to online, from which we are all excited to see what grows.
Visit The Renegade Economists Miro World
Also check out: @MonaEbdrup

Lilian Marino
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Bow - East London
Corina Angelescu
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
I am a freelance facilitator and community weaver passionate about systems change, participatory leadership and regenerative economic practices. Over the past 12 years I have been part of a beautiful web of networks, communities and self-organized teams, dedicating myself to impact-driven roles and meaningful spaces for individual and collective transformation. Who I am today is definitely influenced by playgrounds like The Alternative University, ChangemakerXchange, Social Impact Award, Collective Transitions, The Abundance Fellowship, Ecoversities, and many of the NGOs and social enterprises I had the pleasure of collaborating with. At the core of my work as a facilitator and community weaver there is a willingness to create spaces for deep connection and foster a sense of belonging, trust and reciprocity. I am learning from and with nature, exploring regenerative leadership practices and trying to make sense of the world through a systemic lens. I am an “in between”, finding my roots and (chosen) family between Romania and India. I live in Udaipur, India, and I love spending time with my partner and our three wonderful daughters, home-making, traveling, bird-watching, (un)learning and goofing around. Here are some of the topics I am actively pursuing these days: 🫐 regenerating our relationships with money & economy 👾 understanding the depths of the metacrisis and exploring potential responses 🌱 growing my own food 🐌 creating the conditions for slow living 🤹 connecting with my inner jester through the power of play If anything resonates, let’s connect!
Nadim Dziri
Celine des Ligneris
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I have been advising business owners on how to start, build and grow their business for more than 20 years. I also gave them advice on how to sell their business. Upon stumbling on the Doughnut economics book in 2023, I have realized that most of the theory on which our economy is built is flawed. And I have started to question the purpose of growing businesses. I am now trying to reconcile how I can help people achieve their potential and preserve our planet, while building beneficial companies (regenerative and distributive ones). I am also interested in discovering how we can ensure that people find other ways to fulfill the need to feel good inside themselves with more community and less consumption.
Charlotte Done
Morecambe, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
I'm an artist and part of The Good Things Collective, a creative sustainable Community in Morecambe. The Good Things is focussed on working together as a community, to secure the necessary skills, stuff and space that our community needs to thrive. They inspire, promote and support the incubation and growth of community rooted and led initiatives that share our creative, social and sustainable ethos. I run The Morecambe Community Riso Press which has grown from the GTC nurturing. It is an artist-led, not for profit CIC providing access to our Riso printer for artists and groups to engage with this vibrant, low carbon way of printing, in order to create DIY prints, posters, flyers and zines. Creating connections with communities, charities, and collectives; activists, artists and individuals, who enjoy seeing things through the binoculars of creativity.
Sean Manley
Marcela San Martin
Cindy Vergel
Lima, Peru
Biologist with a Master degree in Protected Areas and Diplomas on Governance and Public Innovation, Leadership for Transformation and Natural Resource Management. Transdisciplinary professional with more than 14 years of work experience. Respected experience in multilateral environmental agreements and cooperation for land area-based conservation measures, with a sustainable use and climate-smart view (mainly focused in ecosystem-based and community-based adaptation measures). Sound performance in project design and implementation (with knowledge in open standards for conservation), multi-country/multi-sector program management, capacity development, high level advisory, large event leadership, negotiation and stakeholder engagement. On-going career in biodiversity conservation, with recognized experience in conservation finance, policy strategy advice, protected areas and landscape conservation at the national and regional levels. Volunteer in networks for women in conservation such as Women in Nature Network and the Latin America and Caribbean of Women in Conservation. With a broad taste for forming and maintaining working spaces for the creation of collective solutions to problems in complex systems.