Regenerative Economics for Secondary Schools

An online, open access textbook to support students and teachers who want to shift the economics education paradigm.

This is an emergent project to develop an open-access, online textbook with activities to support teaching of regenerative economics in secondary schools. The resource is being developed 2024-2025 and a prototype is ready for anyone to try out. 

We're trying to design each main content section to be as modular as possible so that teachers can pick up individual sections as and when they can in their mainstream economics courses. At the same time, we are aiming for a coherent set of materials for a two-year course. Flexible use is a priority.

Each main content section is meant for a 40-50 minute class period, especially if students pre-read the text (takes about 8-10 minutes), for example in a flipped classroom scenario. Each section has a similar 3-part structure: a 'hook', theory, application/short activity to reinforce learning. In addition there are multiple choice questions to check for understanding (requested by student reviewers) and digital flashcards with terminology.

All the materials are student-facing with the hope that interested students without a teacher/mentor could use the materials on their own or with a group. If you have a translator extension in your browser it should be possible to translate the site.

The "Taking Action" sections support place- and project-based learning, investigating lived experience, service, creativity, collaboration. You can see some suggestions for these types of activities in Subtopic 1.5.

We have used Google Sites for the initial iteration with a unique URL, but this may not be the final platform because of its formatting limitations and accessibility problems in some countries.

There is a feedback button on each page, so please feel free to share your thoughts that way, or by contacting me:




    Caitlyn Socwell

    Rotterdam, Netherlands

    American turned Australian turned Dutch Circular Sustainability Consultant on a mission to connect with the DEAL Community.

    David Brühlmeier

    Düdingen, Fribourg/Freiburg, Schweiz

    Building bridges for a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

    Eileen Murphy

    Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland

    I am very interested to learn more and further integrate doughnut economics into my current teaching.

    Helen Hill

    Dili, East Timor

    Fantastic to hear Kate Raworth deliver the Schumaher Lecture on Zoom: now trying to apply her ideas in local govt. in Timor-Leste

    Brian Dowling

    Hacienda Heights, California, United States of America

    Interest in applying Systems Thinking and Complex Adaptive Systems through heterodox economics.


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