Doughnut Report
A web tool to quickly mark a current status or intention onto the doughnut diagram.
Version 1.0 ([October 2020])
This is a visualisation tool, to quickly draw arcs into the doughnut diagram. Thick and thin arcs can be drawn, over the various topics of the doughnut. Furthermore, the arcs are in colour, representing a level: green is good, through to red which is bad.
Why use it?
This is a way of quickly summarising a situation. Thick arcs can represent the current situation, and thin can represent the targets that want to be achieved.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wishes to present a situation on the doughnut diagram. Therefore suitable for facilitators, teachers, students, policymakers, entrepreneurs, consultants etc. It is also useful as a working tool, to create snapshots.
How long does it take?
It is immediate to use: click on the relevant level (1 to 5) of a topic (e.g. Land Conversion), and an arc is drawn on the diagram. Once done, a record can be made by taking a screenshot.
How many people is it for?
Any number of users at any time.
What materials do you need?
None, only access to the website.
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
To be familiar with the buttons, that thick and thin lines can be drawn, as well as erased. No data is stored or collected (it is all done via the website page scripting); there is no possibility to download the image. However, as screenshot is possible. On the page, there is a further link to a pdf that may help in selecting a appropriate level (1-5). This data is set out as a grid for reference, but the original data is from the book Doughnut Economics.
Thomas Rasche created the tool. The original image of the doughnut, adapted to be a greyscale from Kate Raworth.
Pamela Ravasio
Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Has been computer scientist. Sustainability professional for a looooong time. Worked with as well as in companies, manufacturers. Still do. Still wondering about the role we can play as consumers, too. Still hoping and believing that business can, is a force for good.
Tayler Levy
London Borough of Waltham Forest, England, United Kingdom
Brian Dowling
Hacienda Heights, California, United States of America
I serve as Treasurer for the California Doughnut Economics Coalition (
Eunan Quinn
Donegal, Ireland
Claudio Vergara
Santiago de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
Age 68, married, three child, Information Technology Professional.
Thomas Bunting
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
I actively help traditional fund managers translate their well intended support for a healthier society, environment and economy into positive real world outcomes. With a background in Psychology and Applied Finance, I help members of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia internalise their true costs and benefits to the world and help shape their investment decisions in our collective long term interests.
Ricardo Reis
Lisboa, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal
Engineer, Human and Curious. Working in R&T intelligence and strategy, greatly concerned with connecting long term thinking with today "now": if you have no food on the table, how can you think of tomorrow?
Mark Ellis
Hello, I'm a creative director and founder of creative agency, Beautiful Normal. I specialise in brand strategy and rollout, campaign development, digital product development and design thinking. I believe that brands, businesses and organisations need to be the champions of positive change, leading the way in sustainability and making decisions that benefit people and the planet.