Doughnut Report
A web tool to quickly mark a current status or intention onto the doughnut diagram.

Version 1.0 ([October 2020])
This is a visualisation tool, to quickly draw arcs into the doughnut diagram. Thick and thin arcs can be drawn, over the various topics of the doughnut. Furthermore, the arcs are in colour, representing a level: green is good, through to red which is bad.
Why use it?
This is a way of quickly summarising a situation. Thick arcs can represent the current situation, and thin can represent the targets that want to be achieved.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wishes to present a situation on the doughnut diagram. Therefore suitable for facilitators, teachers, students, policymakers, entrepreneurs, consultants etc. It is also useful as a working tool, to create snapshots.
How long does it take?
It is immediate to use: click on the relevant level (1 to 5) of a topic (e.g. Land Conversion), and an arc is drawn on the diagram. Once done, a record can be made by taking a screenshot.
How many people is it for?
Any number of users at any time.
What materials do you need?
None, only access to the website.
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
To be familiar with the buttons, that thick and thin lines can be drawn, as well as erased. No data is stored or collected (it is all done via the website page scripting); there is no possibility to download the image. However, as screenshot is possible. On the page, there is a further link to a pdf that may help in selecting a appropriate level (1-5). This data is set out as a grid for reference, but the original data is from the book Doughnut Economics.
Thomas Rasche created the tool. The original image of the doughnut, adapted to be a greyscale from Kate Raworth.
California Doughnut Snapshot Released!
The California Doughnut Economics Coalition just released a Doughnut Economics snapshot of California's Economy!
An Oxfordshire Preliminary Data Portrait of Place
đ Four lenses, re-rolled đ More than 35 indicators âïž Including a new methodology for the Global Social
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Barcelona's Data Portrait: re-rolling the donut
We present here the main results for the 4 lenses of our re-rolled doughnut
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - workshops
Here we present in detail the series of workshops and debates done in 2022 for the Barcelona city donut process.
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - the process
In 2021 Barcelona municipality has embraced the doughnut. We present here the overall process that has been followed
Launching our Data Portrait as an exhibition
A platform for lots of conversations with people and expanding our network in Minato Ward.
Second California DEAL Meetup
Platforms have been established and actions are underway to discover the recipe for a California Doughnut
Rory Ballard
Raffaele Sisto
Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, España
City Scientist, Architect and Data Scientist, specialist in analysis of socio-economic and environmental impact of policies, projects and services in cities and territory in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. In Smart&City, we measure the impact that the services and the product of your company / organization have on the SDGs.
Shaktari Belew
Ashland, Oregon, United States of America
I am a life-long learner. From a early background in computer systems, which gave me a whole-systems lens through which to approach the rest of my life, I've been an educator, author, artist, Transition movement trainer/contributor (since 2008), Permaculture instructor/designer, group facilitator, complementary currency designer, researcher, parent, grandparent. I love seeing through multiple lenses and points-of-view. I guess you could say I am a Whole-Systems, Biomimicry, "DANCING ON MY LEARNING EDGES" explorer ... contributing, connecting, and loving, with joy.
Anna Branten
Malmö, SkÄne lÀn, Sverige
Developing strategies, methods and tools for societal transition - focusing on systems, entrepreneurship and inclusion.
LĂ©on Gross
Berlin, Deutschland
As the co-initiator of Donut Berlin, I am passionate about co-creating regenerative and redistributive cities, and bringing Berlin into the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries. I am a polymath, I love learning across the fields of systems thinking, human development, technology management, and sustainable business, and connecting ideas in ways that create long-term value for people and the environment. My experience as a scholar, speaker, founder, author, lecturer, consultant, and community manager has taken me to 30+ countries and reinforced my commitment to collaboration across national, cultural, and geographical divides. I'm currently looking for opportunities to share, spread, co-create, co-develop, and manifest Donut Berlin, and I am always happy to connect with inspiring people, so let's chat!Â
Wildan Syuruq
Jakarta, Indonesia
Derek von Behr
BrasĂlia, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Architect, urban planner and landscaper
Cizar Bachir Brahim
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm an academic, entrepreneurs and passionate with the UNSDGs, circular economy and circular innovation. I'm the author of: The Colony of Innovative Startups: A Practical Guide for Policymakers and Corporate LeadersÂ