Doughnut Economics in Action
A conversation with Amsterdam, Melbourne, Devon and Ireland on how to downscale the Doughnut.
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - workshops
Here we present in detail the series of workshops and debates done in 2022 for the Barcelona city donut process.
The Doughnut Journey in Barcelona - the process
In 2021 Barcelona municipality has embraced the doughnut. We present here the overall process that has been followed
Using the doughnut in rural Pakistan
BYAC is a story of youth-driven movement to help the most isolated communities
NHS North West: #Remasked plastics case study
Recycling facemasks, medicine pots and inhaler mouthpieces into products using decentralised cradle-to-cradle clusters
Urban Planning and Gender Inclusivity
Cities: The home to many, but not "inclusive" enough for all?
Nava Khurgel
Leny Garcia
günther fischer
Dietramszell, Bayern, Deutschland
less but better! Weniger Verbrauch, mehr Qualität, mehr Verantwortung. Wir müssen selbst beginnen und entschlossen die Bereitschaft zur Veränderung zeigen. Nachhaltigkeit kann weder konsumiert noch delegiert werden.
David Yates
Auckland, New Zealand
Keen to be part of the solution (not the problem!!). I recently became involved with Global Carbon Reward, an initiative led by Dr Delton Chen whose paper is referred to in the brilliant 'novel' Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.
Vivek Meshram
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Observer, Reader, Learner A vivid observer of polity, economy, and environment. Interested in behavioral sciences, behavioral economics and public policies. Pursuing M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Luciana Maia
Erfurt, Thüringen, Deutschland
Environmentalist & urbanist by passion, consultant, trainer/facilitator & researcher by profession and engineer by formation, Luciana is a dreamer, world citizen and life-long learner. Working with development / international cooperation for the past 14 year, her main interests are in support the implementation of global agendas localy and help urban stakeholders to develop integrated sustainable solutions
Yuge Lei
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Frankfurt Doughnut Coalition - I am an economist 10+ years of experience in the field of international development with a focus on sustainable infrastructure. I am immensely passionate about sustainability and climate action, striving to do my part to create a cleaner and more just world for future generations.