DELVES - Localised Vital Engagement Strategy

DELVES - Doughnut Economics Localised Vital Engagement Strategy

DELVES – Doughnut Economics Localised Vital Engagement Strategy

**NOTE: The use of the DELVES model in 2021 by UN Youth (Vic) run as the Waves of Wellbeings program has resulted in 3 new wellbeing co-designed prototypes and the advancement of Beneficial Actualisation Theory : Please visit **  February 2022



DELVES is sense-making tool and methodology to gauge interest and to activate the Doughnut Economic model or support collective action strategies at a community and neighbourhood level. Communities of interest dig into to the doughnut’s ecological ceilings and social foundations using an experiential / transformative literacy process to uncover conditions that hold complex problems in place, shifting potential into existence and improving the odds of an intervention's success. DELVES enables everyone, everywhere to get actively involved in co-designing and implementing systems change prototypes that are relevant to local and cultural context and actionable within a place-based perspective. 

Why use it?

Uncover conditions that hold complex problems in place.

Shifting potential into existence.

Improving the odds of an intervention's success. 


Who is it for?

Facilitators, Community Members, Policy Makers, Teachers, Change Makers and Entrepreneurs.   


How long does it take?

DELVES is flexible in time and scale, from a micro practice to a 10 x weekly session (1.5 hour each) 


How many people is it for?

DELVES has a flexible / scalable format from small groups 4-6 people up to 100+ 


What materials do you need?

DELVES is a peer run, peer lead and will require facilitators to develop session content to local context and culture.


What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?

Understanding of Benefit Mindset Theory, Beneficial Action Theory and Theory U is helpful. See list of Resource links below.



DELVES is an adaption of the Waves of Wellbeings (a sense-making tool for activating regenerative and transformative collective action) co-developed by UN Youth (Vic) and the Being Well – Doing Good initiative which piloted during Melbourne, Australia’s COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020. The findings from the Melbourne Doughnut report in April 2021 have been included in the latest pilot. We acknowledge the expanded Vital Engagement theory of Cedomir Ignjatovic, Theory U, Benefit Mindset, Beneficial Action, UChicago CSR Developmental Framework, Regenerative Practitioner  - A Field Guide ,  Regenesis - Regenerative Development and Design, Regen Melbourne and the generous contributions from the Social Solidarity Circles around the world.



Beneficial Actualisation Theory.


Waves of Wellbeings - Action Reflection Learning Journey: Overview

REGEN MELBOURNE – Towards a Regenerative Melbourne ( Full Report) Melbourne Doughnut 

Highlight Report

Vital Engagement Theory (expanded) Investigating flow at work and vital engagement of working adults across three years 


Benefit Mindset Theory  


Beneficial Action Theory




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