Cornwall Doughnut Economics Playbook
A simple online hyperlinked tool for community groups learning to think Doughnut - easy to create your own version!
Version 1.0 ([September 2020])
Simple explanatory tool to explain key concepts within a community/local workshop/lesson
Why use it?
help get a grip on what the doughnut is
use to assess existing projects and ideas
use to assess a collection of projects and ideas
Who is it for?
Community facilitators, business owners, teachers, local councillors, council officers
How long does it take?
You can read it in 10 mins, or use it for a day long workshop
How many people is it for?
Can be used by two or as many as you want
What materials do you need?
Paper, pens, people and imagination - and you can do this online in an interactive platform, like zoom
What does the facilitator need to know or be able to do?
How to work with people to break a project into component interconnected parts
Thanks to Cornwall Council who helped funded the design, and Leap Design Studio for their design fabulousness
Analysis of the Northern District of Lviv, Ukraine
Comprehensive analysis, which aimed to provide understanding of the current and potential state of the city district
Cornwall responding to the Climate Emergency
How the Doughnut Economics model has been used in Cornwall to respond to the complexity of the climate emergency.
Helston Doughnut Workshop
Helston Climate Action Group used Doughnut thinking to assess all their climate action...
Rebecca Sykes
Naek Mejia
Berlin, Germany
Madeline Paul
Boulder, Colorado, United States of America
My name is Madeline, I am an outdoor enthusiast and current graduate student at Rhein-Waal University of Applied Sciences in Kleve, Germany. Becasue my courses in Sustainable Development Management are remote due to Coronavirus, I am living in Boulder, Colorado. In addition to school, I am involved in a project that teaches coding and entrepeurship to incarcerated women and would like to use my studies to create more inclusive economic systems.
Nichole Schantz
The University of Bath
Isabel Carlisle
South Devon Bioregion
I am a co-founder of the Bioregional Learning Centre for South Devon. We have been going for four years now working on whole-systems change for climate resilience in our bioregion. Our website is:
Edelysse Nicolaas
Oranjestad, Aruba
Grahame Paterson
Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
My interests cover sport, education, community development, health & wellbeing, architecture and place-making, change-making people and Impact Investment, amongst other topics. Curiosity. I am on a journey of discovery and DEAL covers a lot of the issues I want to learn about and contribute to.
Sandy Neisig Moller
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
What exciting times. Why wouldn’t you want to be part of this future? I work in transport planning but believe the way we move is fundamentally interlinked to how we relate to each other and live as a populace. This itself is shaped by political and socio-economics, environmental factors and cultural tendencies. I realised pretty quickly that business as usual is fuelling regressive decision making and corruptive cultures but that positive change is not just possible, it’s happening.