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We create environmental communities in the different sectors of the economy and society, based on a technological platform that serves as e-learning, social network, network of knowledge and project management.
We affirm that that our vision, values, and ways of working are aligned with those of Doughnut Economics.
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(Past) Shambala: One Doughnut, One Vision for the Future -Global Donut Days
2024-11-09T19:00:00Z (Past)
Daniel Gutierrez
I am Daniel Gutiérrez, a guy who is completely convinced about the need to shift paradigms to a social order based on cooperation and love. My life journey has convinced me that true happiness is made possible when hierarchical structures of society are disentangled and that is why I want to devote my life to that. I am the Co-Founder of an NGO called Saving the Amazon which works with indigenous communities in conservation and the founder of a company called Shambala, which attempts to build up environmental communities and educate people in environmental related topics.
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