The verb of the Jälleenrakentajat (rebuilders in Finnish) cooperative is ‘to begin’. We are aware of major system-level contexts and structures, but our focus is on the steps that are
taken every day, every week and every month. We are politically and religiously independent, and our way of being is constructive, with clear and understandable expression in every situation. At the heart of everything are a strong relationship with nature and its desire to build an ecologically and socially sustainable society and lifestyle. Our focus is on the facilitation of workshops and training where Doughnut Principles of Practice are transferred to businesses and municipality organisations.
Activities & Services
Public Declaration
We affirm that that our vision, values, and ways of working are aligned with those of Doughnut Economics.
View our public declarationNothing to see here yet.
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Past Event
(Past) Kansainvälinen donitsipäivä, Tampere
2024-11-09T10:00:00Z (Past)
Pääkirjasto Metso, Pirkankatu 2, Tampere, Pirkanmaa 33210, Finland
Posted by Jälleenrakentajat osk, Jälleenrakentajat co-op
Past Event
(Past) Kansainvälinen donitsipäivä, Helsinki
2024-11-09T10:00:00Z (Past)
Keskustakirjasto Oodi, Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki, Uusimaa 00100, Finland
Posted by Jälleenrakentajat osk, Jälleenrakentajat co-op
Nothing to see here yet.
Disa Kamula
Tampere, Finland
Valtteri Aaltonen
Espoo, Finland
🏆 winning expert of organisational change / Doughnut Designer 🍩
Kimmo Hokkanen
Tampere, Länsi-Suomi, Finland
A Culture gardener working on improving the (economic) cultural soil and planting seeds for flourishing ecosocial regeneration. Creating tools, space and ways of communication for taking care of this garden. Helping grow regeneratively two cooperatives, Ehta Raha & Jälleenrakentajat.