Translating the Doughnut into a Danish context
Webinar: Practitioners in law, economics and social sciences explore how to integrate Doughnut Economics in Denmark
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
The Economish Game
With help from the IF man, the BUT squad and the HOW ABOUTs, Economish makes sense of economics… ish
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
How Copenhagen voted for the Doughnut
In June 2020, the City of Copenhagen voted with a large majority to draw up a plan for the city to adopt the Doughnut as an economic model. Fanny Broholm, a member of the city council, explains how she and others built the strong cross-party coalition that led to such strong support for the initiative.
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut & the DEAL Team
Activities & Services
Translating the Doughnut into a Danish context
Webinar: Practitioners in law, economics and social sciences explore how to integrate Doughnut Economics in Denmark
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
How Copenhagen voted for the Doughnut
In June 2020, the City of Copenhagen voted with a large majority to draw up a plan for the city to adopt the Doughnut as an economic model. Fanny Broholm, a member of the city council, explains how she and others built the strong cross-party coalition that led to such strong support for the initiative.
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut & the DEAL Team
Past Event
(Past) Donut Cinema
2024-11-07T18:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
Past Event
(Past) Global Doughnut Day Gathering - Copenhagen Doughnut
2023-11-13T16:00:00Z (Past)
København, Denmark
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
Past Event
(Past) Copenhagen Doughnut 4th meeting
2021-03-30T20:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
Past Event
(Past) Copenhagen Doughnut 3rd meeting
2021-03-02T19:00:00Z (Past)
Posted by Copenhagen Doughnut / Københavns Doughnut
Nothing to see here yet.
Ariana Szmedra
Sam Dresling-Floy
Copenhagen, Denmark
Originally from the UK, but living in Denmark after 3 years in East Africa. Background in "classical" economics (that never really felt right) and have been working as an entrepreneur for the past 5 years: running podcasts for organisations, increasingly with a focus on climate. Outside of work, I'm mainly at playgrounds with my 2 y/o daughter. Doughnut Economics brings together several strands of interests and so am excited to join DEAL and learn more!
Adam Szabo
For over 8 years I was building a "predestined" career in hospitality thanks to certain pressures from our family business. After years of yearning for a purpose and a more fulfilling career & lifestyle, I recently "greenquit" my job in luxury hospitality and started working at a cleantech company in Norway. I've been increasingly intrigued and inspired by learning about climate science, degrowth, circular economy and frankly any topic related to a more sustainable future. Of course it wasn't long until I heard about Doughnut Economics. Since this shift, I've been motivated and excited to understand the challenges that ail our society & environment, and find ways to contribute to the solutions required to overcome them.
Tomas Christensen
Roskilde, Denmark
Heard Rob Shorter following af course at https://www.okonomiskolen.dk/. Very inspiring, and in times where action is needed, organizing is essential...DEAL simply sounds interesting. I currently work as an Emergency Physician, but part time involved in establishing some way to grow own food, and finding ways to run a 7ha. piece of land, in a regenerative way. This is currently work-in-progress.
Ebbe Hermansen
Hvalsø, Danmark
Forester by education. Green by heart. Old: Heard of the Rom Club before Brundtland report. Haven´t known what to do about it, but to work in the small circles that I am part of. Fond of and admiring Stockholm Resilience Center, actually tried to attend a cource there once. # klimate
Tamara Inauen
I just starten my MSc in Globa Health at KU. Moving to Copenhagen for the first time and living abroad opens up a lot of opportunities to learn and grow. Which encourages me to engage in many different areas to find inspiration for my upcoming career path. Ihave not learned anything about Doughnut Economics until today when I stumbled upon a lecture from Kate Rawoth which she gave in 2022. I was really inspired by it and I am eager to dive deeper into it and learn more about it.
Cecilia B
Stockholm, Sweden
Business Coach and Fractional CMO. I work with educating founders and leaders to adjust to this new exponential era. Primarily interested in edtech, web3 and blockchain-focused startups.
Bjørn Olsen
Aarhus, Denmark
We are all economists, so here I am! Professionaly educated as a journalist. Some years ago, the climate crisis and biodiversity crisis made me start spending all my spare time on politics. Meanwhile, I have realised that politicians in Denmark don't do politics. They just do what economists say. So now I want to become a 21st century economist.