Portuguese Network for Doughnut Economics: Kick-off meeting (Past)

Public event to explore potential for Portuguese citizen-led groups to transform their territories from the bottom up.

Kate Raworth was invited to speak (remotely) in Portugal on February the 26th 2021, for the "Climate Change. New Economic Models" Conference*, at the invitation of the Portuguese Secretary of State for the Environment & Climate Action, Inês Costa. This sparked interest amongst Portuguese citizens in how best they can organise to change their communities, towns and cities. People in Portugal have heard about the wonderful Doughnut Economics projects happening around the world, now they want to also join the adventure.

For the last few weeks a small group has started to organise and together they selected this date as the first moment to get to know each other and invite more people to co create the process. The event will be in Portuguese.

To participate, please fill out the Registration.  More Infos about Rede Portuguesa para Economia Donut (Portuguese Network for Doughnut Economics) list of DEAL members based in Portugal.
* Video of the panel with Kate found here (From 2hr, 9 min, 9 seconds, only in Portuguese)

The space is hosted with the DEAL Code of conduct and Principles of practice at its core please read and familiarise yourself with them.

*** Português

Kate Raworth foi convidada a falar (à distância) em Portugal no dia 26 de fevereiro de 2021, para a Conferência "Alterações Climáticas. Novos Modelos Económicos" *, a convite da Secretária de Estado do Ambiente e Ação Climática de Portugal, Inês Costa. Isso despertou o interesse entre os cidadãos portugueses sobre a melhor forma de se organizarem para mudar suas comunidades, vilas e cidades. Os portugueses já ouviram falar dos maravilhosos projetos Donut Economics que estão a acontecer por todo o mundo, agora querem também aderir à aventura.

Nas últimas semanas um pequeno grupo começou a se organizar e juntos escolheram esta data como o primeiro momento para se conhecerem e convidarem mais pessoas para co-criarem o processo. O evento será em português.

Para participar, preencha o cadastro. Mais informações aqui sobre a DEAL Portugal.

Para participar, preencha o cadastro. Mais informações sobre a Rede Portuguesa para Economia Donut. Lista dos membros do DEAL em Portugal.

* Vídeo do painel com Kate encontrado aqui (2h, 9 min, 9 segundos, somente em português)

O espaço é hospedado com o Código de conduta da DEAL e Princípios de prática em sua essência, leia e familiarize-se com eles.




    Pedro Macedo


    Supporting the regeneration of Portuguese communities

    Luisa Marques

    Porto, Norte, Portugal

    The will to explore the Dougnut's potential into action in Portugal

    Rafael Calado

    Lisboa, Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, Portugal

    Karma! Repair Café Lisboa co-fouder, working at a citizens lab + fellow of UrbanArenas for just and sustainable cities :)

    Henrique Miranda

    Leiria, Centro, Portugal

    Life is about moments: don't wait for them, create them.

    Manuel Semedo

    Porto, Norte, Portugal

    I want to participate on discussions and develop joint processes. On the meantime I want also to share my projects on O Economics

    Duncan Crowley over 3 years ago

    The event today went very well, despite a few tek problems at the start. 150 people registered for the event, and just short of 70 people participated. We set up 2 temporary online workspaces (MIRO & google drive) and created a telegram list, to enable further communication between this community. If and when improved spaces are available, we can work there. From both the registration and input during the event, we got a very full list of active projects and movements currently happening in Portugal. We videoed the event, so this will be available soon, along with a fuller report. After a brief intro we had a 1 on 1 breakout room to listen to each other. We had initially proposed that if we had more than 30 guests, we would do group break out rooms, but due to technical issues, we just did a full go around. Perhaps this was a fitting way to kick off the doughnut, by going all the way around our own Portuguese circle. We then did little breakouts of about 5 people for 10 minutes, to talk about what we can do in our communities to implement change. Back in the full group for the last section, we looked at our map and notes in MIRO and discussed next steps. We hope this sparks further hope in local groups and that they start imagining a better future with DE logic.

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    Duncan Crowley over 3 years ago

    Email just sent out, see you tomorrow :)

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    Roshnii Rose over 3 years ago

    I only signed up today as my colleague cannot make it. Could you resend the link,, please? Thanks

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    Luisa Rodrigues over 3 years ago

    Same as Manuel, I signed up but haven't received any confirmation back. Should we be expecting a link soon? :) Cheers!

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    Manuel Semedo over 3 years ago

    Hello everyone. I did not receive any confirmation regarding the event, nor any link to join. Will there be more info on this event?

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