London DEAL Members First Meet-Up (Past)

Let's get connected and make a Doughnut for London!

This is for DEAL members in London. 

Let's meet each other over a drink or cup of tea very informally and start the process of forming a London Doughnut.

The meeting will be on Zoom.  I will send the link out a few days before the meeting.  Please register your interest here

Looking forward!




    Lola Perrin

    London Borough of Barnet and South West France

    The urgent need for 21st Century economic transformation and my ongoing quest to spearhead mass cultural participation


    São Paulo, Brasil

    Quero usar o design como ferramenta positiva afim de fazermos a transição para a Economia Circular

    Colleen Kirtland

    Los Angeles, California, United States of America

    I plan to spend the rest of my career helping transform businesses using Doughnut Economics. It's a beautiful model!

    Pablo Negri Edwards

    Las Condes, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

    Deep interest in Ecological Economy, being Doughnut Economics a part of it. As well, Environmental, Climate & Ecological Crisis.

    Yves Hayaux du Tilly

    London, England, United Kingdom and Mexico City, Mexico

    The opportunity to create a regenerative community and serve businesses find their purpose and transition to this community.

    George Richardson

    Southwark, London, United Kingdom

    Seeking co-conspirators for a Doughnut shaped London.


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