Co-creating methods to downscale the Doughnut: Share your thoughts! (Past)

Webinar to share progress adapting the Doughnut Portrait, and to invite contributions from the DEAL Community (Americas)

At Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL), we’ve been hosting a co-creative process over the past months to adapt the ‘Doughnut Portrait’ methodology so that it is relevant and useful to global South priorities and interests. In parallel, we've also been listening to, and learning from, the diverse initiatives in global North cities and regions that are innovating with the Portrait methodology so that it fits their unique contexts.

Now, we'd like to share our progress and learnings with members of the DEAL Community, and invite you to make additional contributions.

Please do join us for an online webinar on July 28 @ 16:30 – 18:30 (British Summer Time / GMT+1) that brings together people with a shared interest in translating the global Doughnut to many smaller scales, from neighbourhoods to nations, in both the global North and global South.

Note that this webinar is being held at a time that is more friendly to members of the DEAL Community across the Americas -- there is a separate webinar at a time more friendly to members across Asia / Oceania. That said, you are welcome to attend whichever webinar you prefer (or both!).

The webinar will be hosted by the DEAL Team and we will be joined by representatives from initiatives applying their own distinct approach to bringing the 'Doughnut Portrait’ tool to life in the context of their own cities and regions. After setting the scene, we will invite participants to form smaller groups in breakout sessions to discuss and share additional contributions.

We also plan to launch a consultation period for members to share contributions after this brief webinar, using online collaborative documents (e.g. Google Docs). Based on the contributions incorporated throughout these co-creative phases, we're aiming to publish a practitioner's handbook in the Fall. 

We're excited to host this space for members of the DEAL Community to learn from the work of others, take inspiration from their diverse approaches, share your experiences, and to feel even better equipped to put  Doughnut-thinking into practice in your own contexts. We do hope you can join us. 

Click here to join on July 28 @ 16:30 – 18:30 (British Summer Time / GMT+1) 

The webinar will take place using the Zoom video-conferencing platform. In addition, we will also be livestreaming the webinar on YouTube.

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By joining the webinar you are expected to follow the DEAL Community Code of Conduct. Anyone failing to do so may be removed from the event at any time.

The webinar will be recorded.

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    Alice Oliveira

    Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Interested on knowing more about how the Donut can be applied and engage with projects from the DEAL Community :)

    Alexandre Gobbo Fernandes

    Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

    Share, learn, collaborate and design the transition path to Cities sustainable development :)

    Andy Reeve

    Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

    Have followed the journey for some time and hope to bring some ideas and process to the community

    Don Dwiggins

    Northridge, Los Angeles, California, United States of ...

    I've been interested in the economic aspects of sustainability for many years, beginning with a focus on relocalizing economies.

    Ruta Lukosiunaite

    Eslöv, Sweden

    I am a boundary spanner who hopes to learn to contextualise the doughnut and bring insights from different places.

    Jared Ruiz Bybee about 3 years ago

    Will someone please post links to the documents discussed in the meeting? Thank you in advance.

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    Jared Ruiz Bybee about 3 years ago

    I am having trouble joining the zoom. I get: The host has another meeting in progress... Anyone else having issues?

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    Jared Ruiz Bybee about 3 years ago

    works! Thanks all

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    Kaylee Herbert about 3 years ago

    Anyone else struggling to launch the meeting?

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    Tim Taylor about 3 years ago

    hi all.

    I would love to have a digital tool to use in workshops with communities, where we get people to plot their sense of where their community is today in relation to each piece of the doughnut. We then use this to frame discussions about what the community's mission needs to be.

    At the moment we do this with pens and paper and it is useful, but it would be great to be able to digitise it, and then quickly draw the averages and outliers on a collective picture. I am guessing this is the sort of thing someone already has, or is making. It also relates to the downsizing discussion, as we do usually skip a couple like ocean acidification from the standard diagram. So maybe this is a question to bring into the session on the 28th?

    This example from Thomas is a good start. But seems to just draw a single person's view, not a collective picture -

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    Brian Dowling over 3 years ago

    Hey Folks, there have been a couple of these already, which I had the opportunity to participate in, and am looking forward to ones planned for the future but are there recordings of the past events available to view again?

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    Karn Bianco about 3 years ago

    Hi Brian - sorry for the delay. You can find a recording of our first 'Downscaling the Doughnut' webinar here:

    And any other recordings will also be made available on our YouTube channel going forward:

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    Andrew Fanning about 3 years ago

    Hi Brian, building on Karn's comment, we have also posted a story with an edited video of both webinars in this series (i.e. one that was held at a more friendly time for people in the Americas, and another more friendly for Asia/Oceania time zones) here:

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