Powerpoint template of the Doughnut in portuguese and english.
Fully editable to any other language.
The file contains two slides, in portuguese and the original english.
After downloading, hover the mouser cursor over the text, it should change (depending on the powerpoint version that you are using) to the text cursor ( looks like this ][ ).
You can then click on the text to open the text box ( as exemplified in the image below) and edit it as you please.
Derek von Behr
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
Green Infrastructure, Circular Economy, Urban Agriculture, Urban Farm, Bamboo, Mycelium, Green Public Space and More Trees.
Bob Thust
Brighton, England, United Kingdom
To contribute practical ideas and learn from others about approaches to governance that support social and climate justice.
Cizar Bachir Brahim
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm interested in building a future for our children 🚸, save as much resources as possible, so they won't live in scarcity.
Get inspired, connect with others and become part of the movement. No matter how big or small your contribution is, you’re welcome to join!
Robin Mahon
Bridgetown, Saint Michael, Barbados
Retired professor seeks better world